
Dear Friends,
It’s with a heavy heart to inform you all that as of the beginning of 2023, I officially passed on all management and ownership duties of Benchan Eikaiwa to Danchan. It is bittersweet, because on the one hand all the students I have spent so much time with will be embarking on a new journey without me, but on the other hand, I am happy to know that you are in great hands with Danchan.
Many of you have known me as the face of Benchan Eikaiwa over the years, but Danchan has always been the heart. He is much more empathetic and kind, and many of the great developments over the years at the school have come from him.
I will remain on as an adviser and hope to always maintain some sort of connection to Benchan Eikaiwa. It’s likely you’ll see me pop in from time to time as I head back to Kumamoto on vacation – I hope to see you all then.
As for me, I think you all know I came to the US to attend business school. As I’ve gotten exposure to many things here, it looks like, for the short term at least, I will be working as a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group out of the Philadelphia office. I do hope to arrange a trip out to New Hampshire while I am still in school, and maybe even to Philadelphia in the future. Please stay tuned.
Thank you all so much for many years of support and friendship.
Best wishes,
これまでの経験を人生の糧として 心新たに歩んで参りたいと思います。
末筆ではございますが皆様のご多幸をお祈りし 略儀ながら書中をもってお礼かたがた退職のご挨拶を申し上げます。