リンちゃんの「How to learn English」パート②

- How to learn English – Part 2
Did you get a notebook? Are you using it? Great! Now you’re ready for the next part. Some tips to improve your listening skills:- Listen to music in English. What kind of music do you like? Browse Youtube and find a playlist, a band or even just one song. It doesn’t matter how difficult the lyrics are. By listening to songs regularly you’ll get better at distinguishing English sounds and rhythm patterns. You will learn new vocabulary too!
- Watch movies. What kind of movies do you like? Find something interesting on Netflix or at Tsutaya and get started! Use subtitles at first if you need them, one day you won’t!
- Listen to audiobooks or podcasts. I’ve used Audible ( https://www.audible.com/ ) to listen to books and BBC podcasts ( https://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts ) to listen to news and other radio shows.
- Use the audio files included in your student book and workbook. Go over the exercises you did in class, listen and repeat, or listen while you read the script (the script is at the back of the book).
- Use lyricstraining ( https://lyricstraining.com ). This is an amazing website where you can find a song and try to complete its lyrics as you listen to it. It’s like a game and it’s addictive! You can select the level and share your achievements. Try it out!
- Borrow books from our library and listen as you read. The audio files are only available for the Cambridge books and not for the Oxford books. There are many titles to choose from!
- Read a book, then watch the movie! There are many movies that are adaptations of books. Here’s a list: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls050071819/
You don’t have to do all these things. You can, if you want to. However, a better strategy is to choose one and stick to it. As always, let me know if you have any questions or if you need help finding the right book, podcast, song or movie. See you around!